In trying to grapple with what kind of customers we do best with, and what sort of employees do best @ Turn Key Solutions, I'm asking myself for the 984th time, "Why does Turn Key Solutions exist? Why do I come to work every day?"
Here's what I've scribbled, scratched, and drawn out over the last few weeks:
My partners and I, and our key employees, and, I think, all of our employees actually believe the following things (I believe so, because these are the things we constantly talk about, these are things we discuss in the lunchroom, these ideas are the heart of our conversations all the time.):
What Turn Key Solutions really thinks:
... that small businesses are terribly important (and borderline almost sacred), and that they shouldn't be taken advantage of.
... that every time our customers win, we win. Not because they're going to give us money, or PO's, or references, but because we were a part of that victory.
... that business owners and employees need success for the american dream to happen
... that customers need to be protected because every time a business fails, families suffer and dreams fail.
... that in an industry as dynamic as Information Technology, businesses need reliable, proven solutions to safeguard their budgets.
... that rapidly evolving technologies often have an important place in the business environment
... that our depth and breadth of experience, our passion for our clients' success, and our appreciation for reliable technologies creates a culture whereby we can dramatically help clients that will PARTNER with us, TRUST us, and COMMUNICATE with us.
So maybe instead of talking about how big our office is, or how awesome we are, I need to start communicating with the world about what we believe.
Because everybody thinks they're an I.T. company. Heck, there's 2 other IT companies within a stone's throw of our front door. Probably 5 within a 1 mile radius. But what makes us different? The above stuff - how we think, the filters through which we run every decision.
Are we the right I.T. partner for every company in the Gulf South USA? Nope. But I do believe there are plenty of people that think the same way we do.
And that's enough business for us.
After all, when it really comes down to it, why do we come to work? To provide for our families and to help someone so that at the end of the day, we hopfully can know that we made difference to the people that trust us.
That's why.
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