Let me ask you a tough question:
When Isaac came to town, were you 100% confident in your backups?
Every year during hurricane season, we evaluate hundreds of business networks’ security and backups. This year, I have noticed that an alarming majority of Louisiana businesses are missing a critical step that could be implemented in a single day, saves money, and could literally make the difference between staying in business after a disaster or not.
Here Is What We Are Recommending...
Thanks to major advancements in backup technology, you can now have your choice between 2 incredible protection solutions against Hurricanes, fires, and accidents:
Solution 1: Basic Offsite Data Backup: For as little as $10 / month, your files can be securely backed up, automatically. NO business should be without some sort of Offsite Data Backup solution.
This simple concept of backing up just your most critical files and databases could literally keep your doors open after a disaster. This works great in environments where you have just a few gigabytes of data that is really important to you, and/or in environments where your upload speeds are limited.
Simple, fast and cheap, this backup solution doesn't prepare you for every disaster scenario, but it can be used to cover you in these:

2. Accidental data corruption (As seen on: "Oh nuts! I think we made a mistake a week ago on this project. Can you recover the file back to the way it was 2 weeks ago??"
3. Total disasters (Like: "Our office is destroyed, we know it's going to be a rough few days, but let's restore our accounting files, our customer database, and our collections reports so we can at least keep up with customer needs and our collections...")
Solution 2: Business Continuity Backup Solution: For a complete, automated, managed and monitored solution that will keep you UP AND RUNNING DURING the next disaster, we offer the ultimate "Business Continuity Backup Solution," often for as little as $200 / month in many configurations.
Configured correctly, here's just SOME of what this solution provides you:
- The Business Continuity Backup device takes an image (snapshot) of your server many times throughout the day, automatically. That means you wouldn't lose an entire day’s worth of work if your server crashed or melted down; just a few minute’s worth.
- You don’t have to swap out tapes or drives every day or lug them around in your car.
- We will monitor the system 24x7x365 and notify you immediately if your server fails, and be ready to make the Business Continuity Backup Server TAKE OVER for your server if you need it to. This means you’ll be up and running within minutes instead of potentially being down for DAYS.
- Your data and server image get replicated to another data center far away from Hurricane Alley to make sure your backup has a backup! This is FAR MORE secure and reliable than old tapes, USB drives, etc.
In either scenario you don't have to worry:
• "Is my critical information safe?"
• "Could I really restore my files if I had to?"
• "If I lose these files, will I go out of business?"
Call us today, and KNOW that you're prepared for the next disaster.
There's simply no excuse for being worried about your backups.
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